Free consultancy available today!

Graven Hill are pleased to be able to offer potential self-builders the opportunity to have a free consultancy from leading local architects, lapd.
What would I get at the consultation?

In this free initial consultation, that will take approximately an hour, potential self-builders will have an in-depth, face-to-face discussion with an experienced self-build architect about what they want to achieve and how they are thinking about achieving it, with specific consideration given to Graven Hill processes and timelines.  Following this meeting, lapd Architects will send you a detailed, no obligation, proposal based on the scope and type of self-build being undertaken.

We know that most people are at different phases of their self-build journey. In order for this to be effective and to ensure we offer this to the right people we have developed an outline criteria that potential purchasers need to meet to qualify for the consultancy.

lapd Architects - Client Conversation

Get in touch to find out more:

Fill in your details below and we’ll be in touch to let you know about about availability.

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What do I need to qualify?

To qualify for this amazing offer potential self-builders should:

    • Have an interest in a specific plot at Graven Hill
    • Have a budget figure in mind and realistic funding avenues
    • Have a method of building or build system in mind

    lapd Architects - Architect role in self-build blog post

    lapd Architects - Client Conversation - Kitchen

    What if I don’t qualify?

    If you don’t meet the criteria at this stage don’t worry – we’re holding a series of workshops and seminars over the coming months to cater for all the different stages potential self-builder may be at. For more information please call the office on 01869 390 009 or keep an eye out on our Events page.

