From 1 April 2016, local authorities in England became legally obliged to maintain a list of people and groups interested in building their own home and to ensure there is enough land for them to do this.

The Right to Build legislation is a major signal by the Government that it wants to help self and custom builders.

Cherwell District Council was one of the first to voluntarily set up its Right to Build Register in 2013. By early 2016 more than 3,000 people had formally expressed an interest in building their own home in Bicester and the surrounding areas.

The vision for Graven Hill pre-dates the Right to Build legislation but is the perfect exemplar of what the Government wants to see – local authorities and other landowners working together to make self-build a reality for home buyers today. Graven Hill is the UK’s largest and most exciting self-build and custom build site.

Find out more about Right to Build

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